1. Lance Cousins: An Obituary, Appreciation and Bibliography 3-16
2. The Four Jhanas and their Qualities in the Pali Tradition 19-43
Peter Harvey
3. Paths of Monastic Practice from India to Sri Lanka: Responses to L.S. Cousins� Work on Scholars and Meditators 45-62
Bradley Clough
4. �I�m Not Getting Anywhere with my Meditation��: Effort, Contentment and Goal-Directedness in the Process of Mind-Training 63-80
Amaro Bhikkhu
Comparative Mysticism
5. John of the Cross, the Dark Night of the Soul and the Jhanas and the Arupa States: A Critical Comparative Study 83-98
Elizabeth J. Harris
6. Emptiness and Unknowing: An Essay in Comparative Mysticism 99-114
Rupert Gethin
Interpreting Buddhist Teachings
7. Ambiguity and Ambivalence in Buddhist Treatment of the Dead 117-130
Richard Gombrich
8. The Alagaddupama Sutta as a Scriptural Source for Understanding the Distinctive Philosophical Standpoint of Early Buddhism 131-143
P.D. Premasiri
9. An Ekottarika-agama Discourse Without Parallels: From Perception of Impermanence to the Pure Land 145-154
Bhikkhu Analayo
10. Equal-headed (samasisin): An Abhidharma Innovation and Commentarial Developments 157-182
Tse-Fu Kuan
11. Calligraphic Magic: Abhidhamma Inscriptions from Sukhodaya 183-209
Peter Skilling
12. The Relation of the Saccasankhepatika Called Saratthasalini to the Vinayavinicchayatika Called Vinayasaratthasandipani 211-245
Petra Kieffer-Pulz
Schools and Scriptures
13. The Formation of Canons in the Early Indian nikayas or Schools in the Light of the New Gandhari Manuscript Finds 249-268
Mark Allon
14. Theriya Networks and the Circulation of the Pali Canon in South Asia: The Vibhajjavadins Reconsidered 269-283
Alex Wynne
15. Yasodhara in Jatakas 287-304
Sarah Shaw
16. Jataka Stories and Paccekabuddhas in Early Buddhism 305-318
Naomi Appleton
End Matter
Index 319-324
Naomi Appleton,Peter Harvey