100,000 |
July 25, 2007 |
Robert Anthony�McColley from San Diego,�CA�United States
These particular counters are for keeping track of your 10,000 counts. As example, everytime you count 108 you move one of the beads on your mala counter, when you have moved them all, say thats 1,000, then you move one of the beads of the "other" mala counter. Now when those of the second mala counter are all moved to the opposite side that will be 10,000. Now, you start over with the 108 counts again. BUT, before you do that you take your Bumi counter and place it on your mala at the first bead next to the guru, that marks your first 10,000. Naturally when you move that up to the tenth bead of your mala then you would have accomplished 100,000 mantrams of your Buddha or Diety.... Dont give up!!!!
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