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Letter from a Friend: A Bodhisattva's Advice to an Indian King on Right Living and the Buddhist Path

Letter from a Friend
Our Price: $13.95
Author: Nagarjuna
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781935413066
Publication Date: 2008

Product Code: 16249

Arya Nagarjuna's Letter from a Friend (Suhrllekha) is a short discourse composed in the form of a royal-advisory letter presented by a spiritual teacher to the king of his country. It is unknown precisely to which of several similarly-titled Satavahana monarchs known as Satakarni that Arya Nagarjuna addressed the Letter. The king in question likely held sway in the southeast Indian city of Amaravati in Andhra Pradesh sometime during the first quarter of the first millennium CE. (The Satavahana Empire lasted at most some 450 years, from roughly 230 BCE to approximately 220 CE.)

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