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Marpa, Marpa Lotsawa, Marpa the Translator
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Tibetan: Mar pa chos kyi blo gros / Mar pa lho brag pa

Product Code: G00419

(1012 - 1097 C.E.) Marpa was born in Lhodak (Lho brag), Southern Tibet, and from an early age was known for his remarkable strength and power. Considered to be the reicarnation of Dombi Heruka, an Indian mahasiddha. He studied under Drokmi Lotsawa ('brog mi lotsawa shakya ye shes), the Translator for fifteen years, and became a master not only in the Tibetan language but in Sanskrit as well. Marpa decided to seek out teachings then unavailable in Tibet and while in Nepal he heard of the Master Naropa living in India, whose root Guru was Tilopa, the founder of the Kagyu lineage.

At that time, travel to India was full of hardship and danger. Despite great expense and hazards, Marpa made three trips to India and brought back many tantric teachings, including the Six Yogas of Naropa, the Guhyasamaja, and the Chakrasamvara practices. Marpa's amazing accomplishment lies not only in the dangers and difficulties undertaken to receive and bring back the teachings, but also in the fact that he went through the great hardship of the practices, as well. He thus was able to communicate in his translation not just the words but also the experience and realization of the teachings, and genuinely make this available to others.

In this manner, as a married Lama, father, and householder, Marpa studied, worked, traveled, translated, and practiced for over forty years. He thus initiated and founded the Kagyu lineage in Tibet, and is also known as the main teacher of Milarepa. Marpa wrote a biography of Tilopa: Life of Mahasiddha Tilopa.


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