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Overwhelming Hurricane: Overturning Samara and Eradicating all Evil Texts from the Cycles of the Black Razor, Fierce Mantra & Greater than Great
By: Martin J Boord

Overwhelming Hurricane
Our Price: $55.00
Members Price: $49.50
Author: Martin J Boord
Format: Hardcover
ISBN: 9783942380287
Publication Date: Febr. 2020

Availability: Usually Ships in 24 Hours
Product Code: 9783942380287

Description Contents
In a very personal letter, written by Padmasambhava in the eighth century, the great guru speaks candidly of his own experience eradicating evil by means of the practice of Vajrakila, and he gives much cogent advice on the appropriate view, meditation and action in which all those who would follow in his footsteps should engage. Of great value to practitioners of guhyamantra in the present day, this book contains a collection of twenty-five complete texts, including original treasures from the 14th century revelations of Rig-'dzin rgod-ldem in Tibet and insightful commentaries by those skilled in the subtle yogic techniques taught within them. Deep and dark and dangerous, these profound treasures strike at the very core of our being and explain the methods by which one's innermost beliefs, hopes and fears may be realigned in order to release an awesome hurricane of destructive power that will sweep away all falsehood. Not for the faint-hearted, these texts are spoken of in whispers and rarely revealed. The eye of the storm, however, is serenely peaceful and pervaded by a sense of joyful liberation, confident understanding and loving compassion.

May these teachings be encountered by worthy recipients!
Overwhelming Hurricane : Overturning Samsara and Eradicating all Evil, Texts from the cycles of the Black Razor, Fierce Mantra & Greater than Great,
Martin J Boord, Edition Khordong, Hardcover, 2020, 334 pp, $55.00.

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