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Scripture, Logic, Language: Essays on Dharmakirti and his Tibetan Successors
By: Tillemans, Tom

Scripture, Logic, Language
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Author: Tillemans, Tom
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 861711564 / 9780861711567

Product Code: 5819

Description About the author
Dharmakirti, an Indian Buddhist philosopher of the seventh century, explored the nature, limits and justifications of rationality within the context of Buddhist religious and metaphysical concerns. While Dharmakirti is widely recognized for his crucial innovations in Indian logic and semantic theory, his notoriously difficult thought nonetheless remains poorly understood.
In this volume, one of the world's leading scholars of Buddhist philosophy sheds light on the interrelated topics of scripture, logic and language in the works of Dharmakirti and his philosophical heirs, both Indian and Tibetan. Professor Tillemans' knowledgable explanations of such technical subjects as the "apoha" theory of reference and the problem of entailment (vyapti) are coupled throughout with insightful reflections on how best to evaluate Dharmakirti's theories in light of contemporary philosophical thought. "Scripture, Logic, Language" is an informative and thought-provoking study for students of Buddhism as well as for those in the wider field of philosophy.

Scripture, Logic Language, Tom J. F. Tillemans, Wisdom Publications, Paperback, 318 pages, $32.95

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