This being, that becomes; from the arising of this, that arises.A This succinct formula, recorded in texts and carved in inscriptions throughout the Buddhist world, is said to summaries the whole of the Dharma, the teaching of the Buddha. But how can such a simple summary be the conceptual formulation that characterizes the experience of a Buddha, an Awakened One, a state beyond all words and concepts. Dhivan Thomas Jones tells us how, and takes us into the heart of the Buddha's insight that everything arises in dependence on conditions. With the aid of lucid reflections and exercises he prompts us to explore how conditional works in our own lives, and provides a sure guide to the most essential teaching of Buddhism. This Being, That Becomes: The Buddha's Teaching on Conditionality, Thomas Jones Dhivan-Sagaraghosa, Windhorse Publications, Paperback,205 pp, $20 .95
Dhivan Thomas Jones was brought up in Somerset, England. He went to Lancaster University where he took a BA in Religious Studies, an MA in philosophy, and a PhD in the philosophy of love. In 1992 he started considering himself a Buddhist, and in 1997 moved to Cambridge to live and work with Buddhists, first in Windhorse:Evolution, a team based right livelihood business, and then at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre. In 2004 he was ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order, receiving the name Dhivan. He took yet another degree, this time in Sanskrit and Pali, at the University of Cambridge in 2009. Dhivan has written This Being, That Becomes: The Buddha's Teaching on Conditionality, published in 2011 by Windhorse Publications.
Sagaraghosha has been meditating since 1996 and teaching meditation and Buddhism at the Centre for many years. She has supported and coled Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction courses since 2009.