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Tibetan: tsong kha pa

Product Code: G008880

(1357-1419) Born in Tsongkha, located in Amdo. His main teachers were: the Sakya masters Rendawa (red mda ba), Rinchen Dorje (rin chen rdo rje), the Kagyu master: Chenga Rinpoche (sPyans snga rin po che) and the Jonangpa masters: Bodong Chakle Namgyal (Bo dong Phyags las rNam rgyal), Khyungpo Hlepa (Khyung po Lhas pa) and Chokyi Palpa (Chos kyi dPal pa). Tsongkhapa is the founder of the Gelukpa school of Tibetan Buddhism. His ordination name was bLo bZang Grags pa. His main two disciples were: Dharma Rinchen (dhar ma rin chen) and Khedrup Je (mkhas grub je). They are frequently depicted together in thangkas and statues. So called master-disciple threesome (yab sras gsum).

Books by and related to Tsongkhapa.

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